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 "Rise to The Occasion"
Giving Campaign

Isaiah 60:1, 2 Corinthians 9:10-11, Luke 6:38, Deuteronomy 1:11 

Hello!! Amazing JPVLC family, Breakthrough Prayer family, and all of our wonderful partners and friends!

We want to express our heartfelt appreciation for your unwavering commitment, partnership, and love for JPVLC, myself (Pastor Austin 😊) and the vital work we do.

Recently, we have encountered a challenging and conflicting situation with our new landlords regarding the space where we worship. To our surprise, we received an unexpected CAM (Common Area Maintenance) bill of $17,000. This amount is staggering considering the size of our space, and it's worth noting that we have never received a CAM bill in our over 4 years as tenants due to our gross lease agreement.

Despite this unexpected financial burden, we have been striving to communicate and negotiate payment arrangements with the new landlords. Unfortunately, we recently received a notice stating that we must pay the full amount immediately or face eviction.

This news is disheartening, but we firmly believe that it is not in God's plan for us to leave this location, as we have invested too much in it. We also know that it is not God's will for us to be driven out.

This is where our incredible partners, supporters, friends, and family of the ministry come in. We are calling on you to join us in declaring that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church (Matthew 16:18)!

We humbly ask you to sow your best gift today to help us combat what seems to be a dark plan to disrupt and hinder the work of God at JPVLC.

Thank you for responding as soon as possible. No contribution is too small or too large.

Please refer to the following methods for making your contribution. And don't forget to include "Rise to The Occasion" Campaign in the notes/memo section.

Let's stand together and overcome this challenge!


- For wire transfer please email

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